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Jun 24, 2008

Thank you letter (from Desempre)

Dear Bob,
This letter is to express a special thanks to all the team from Hacienda El Refugio who helped us during our event on June 5th and 6th.
Your help was very important for the success of the training. We wish to recognize thank everyone of the Hacienda facilitators and staff for being extremely helpful and collaborative with us. Thank you for being such a good example of Christian brothers. In a special way we want to thank the extra effort and time given by Lorena, Juan Carlos, Abby, Howard and Mathew.
Every one of clients was impressed by the organization of the training, and amazed by the beauty of the place. You really are doing a great job at keeping the place in its best shape.
Additionally, I want to let you know that during those days three people of the Sanduchitos Pura Vida Team received Jesus Christ as Savior, and 112 people were exposed to at least some Christian thoughts.
It was great to see our both teams working together as one team, and we look forward to continue to organize events that would glorify God and enhance our professionalism.
Best regards,
Oscar M. Aguirre

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