The First Baptist Church of Geneva (youth) left last Tuesday. They were able to help us with many projects like work on the new low ropes course, pour cement for a new maintenance building, dig a trench to help with water run off, 2 day VBS program for local children, and much more! It was a good experience for some of our facilitators to work and play together with them.
The wedding for Zarina and Jose-friends from my local church-was lovely. The senior and youth/singles pastor both officiated the ceremony encouraging the couple that the bible was their manual for a successful marriage. There was also a Mariachi band and lots of blessings stated to them. I hope to have pictures soon.
Praise! A facilitator brought out a fellow college student who is in a similar field of study. He is planning to do part of his internship at El Refugio by observing birds and giving us a report his findings and on the best locations for bird watching! Thank you for praying.
This weekend (July 12) El Refugio is hosting an adventure race where we are in charge of control points. This is a one day race and a great opportunity to invite people to help and learn more about what we do. Please pray for the facilitators and the El Refugio team to have opportunities to share Jesus and do our job well.
A prayer request on a personal level...humility. Micah 6:8 "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." My desire is to live out this verse.
I don't believe I can thank you enough for the support you give me and the ministry at El Refugio. Thank you! I would not be here without you. My prayer is that God overfills your cup with joy and that you know how blessed you are.
Love, Lorena
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