Wedding Photos

May 18, 2009

Lorena's Latest Spring, 2009

Enjoy these photos of some of the events that have happened in the past few months...

Youth World Ladies Luncheon hosted by Sandy Miller.

The restaurant at La Ronda in downtown Quito. (Matt, Agus - my roommate, Megan - 3 month intern, me, David, Paul - 6 month intern, and Israel)

George - the largest sea turtle discovered - statue at the Guayllabamba Zoo

View from the Zoo of the town

Agus, Megan and me

Punta Centinela beach

Ivy, me and Fernando (Ivy is searching for answers, pray for God to show her what she needs)

Desempre team - flew us to the resort to facilitate a corporate team building conference

Casa Gabriel boys celebrated my birthday by decorating and flowers and confetti!!! It was so fun and really sweet.

Prayer Requests:
  • Preparing for transition
  • Raising funds to financially support David and Carolina as Leadership Development Coordinators
  • Juan Carlos returning to Ecuador beginning of June and travel and adjustment for his family
  • God would give our team wisdom and discernment and unity to be able to serve Him in our ministry and our lives

Thank you so much for your faithfulness. May God show you that He loves you and is in control of everything that is happening in our lives.

1 comment:

Tim Reilly said...

Hey Lorena,

You popped into my mind so I thought I would google you up and see how you are after quite some time. Looks like you are having fun and doing great. You can catch me on my facebook page of course or at

All my best,

Tim Reilly